Soda Bar $200 + $1 per invitation - Includes server dedicated to bar service
Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, Dr Pepper, Lemon and Lime wedges, Cherries, cherry and vanilla syrup
Add Slushies for $2 per invitation
Slushie Bar $200 + $2 per invitation -
Includes server dedicated to bar service
Choice of two slushie flavors - Pina Colada, Strawberry, Peach, Mango, Grape or Margarita Garnishes, Whipped Cream
Add Soda for $1 per invitation
Non-alcoholic Cider Service $200 - Sparkling Cider served in toasting flutes with fresh berries to all guests for wedding toasts
Coffee or Hot Chocolate Bar $100 + $1 per invitation
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